We currently have one in door range, with Four lanes and a Bench lane.
Disciplines are in accordance with NSRA static target rulings (and No moving targets)
6 yard air rifle/pistol
10 metre air rifle/pistol
20 metre air rifle and pistol
20 metre 22lr rifle and pistol
25 yards air rifle bench/three position and pistol
25 yards 22lr, bench/three position and pistol
Target Used
Although they differ in size for the different ranges, most targets are black circles with white lines depicting the different scoring rings.
The piece of paper with the target printed on it is known as a ‘card’. The actual black circle is known as an aiming mark or more correctly a ‘diagram’.
As well as standard paper targets, there are electronic targets but these tend to be found mainly in larger events. These have the added bonus of being able to keep score and see your shots and shot history immediately. They also use the new decimal scoring system used in ISSF competitions in order to eliminate tie breaks. We do not have Electronic targets
Inward or Outward Gauging
Some cards are scored using ‘inward’ gauging method, i.e. the edge of the shot hole nearest the centre is used to determine the value. A shot hole has only to touch (not cut) a scoring ring to count the higher value.
Alternatively, the ‘outward’ gauging method is used, i.e. the outer edge of the shot hole that cuts a scoring ring counts the lower, not the higher value.
UK Law in General
To possess any kind of firearm in the UK, any person, including foreign nationals resident within the UK, must normally hold either a Shotgun Certificate (SGC) or a Firearm Certificate (FAC). Air rifles which produce less than 12 foot pounds of energy at the muzzle, and air pistols which produce less than 6 foot pounds of energy at the muzzle, are not classed as “firearms” for certification purposes, but they are still subject to various laws restricting their ownership and use. Air rifles which produce more than 12 foot pounds of energy at the muzzle fall under section 1 classification and therefore an FAC is required to own one of these.
It is an offence under Section 21 Firearms Act 1968 as amended, for anyone convicted of a criminal offence, to handle, possess, or shoot a firearm and ammunition (this includes Air Guns). If the sentence was for more than three years the prohibition is for life; if less than three years the prohibition is for five years (note: it is the sentence, not the time served, which is the determining factor).
22Long or Air Rifle or Pistol
Shooting is one of a small number of sports that is open to almost anyone irrespective of any disabilities, age, gender and fitness, which do not by themselves define who will be good or bad at shooting as they do with some other sports.
Each person takes something different from the sport. Some find it helps with concentration and patience, for others it provides them with an experience that is very different from their usual day to day activities.
Bench Rest is one discipline
Bench Rest shooting is a discipline in which rifles with telescopic sights are shot at paper targets. The rifles ride on a front rest only sitting on a table or bench, hence the name "bench rest". The shooter simply sits at the bench, in distinction to other shooting disciplines, where the shooter holds and aims the rifle without the benefit of a rest.
Winter League 22lr
A NSRA competition where by all you have to do is turn up be trained to shoot and hit the target, easy eh, well you just try it, shoot as much as you want and add to this paragraph with your results, good luck we only ask for 10 of these each week.
Club Plans and the Future
To raise money for a total modernisation programme from obtaining local and national grants where applicable - we need help, so if you are capable but don't want to shoot, please come forward.
Internet information
There are many resources on the internet pertaining to this sport, however, one of the best can be found here,, so we see very little in repeating the information here and therefore give full credit to them.
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Air Rifle/Pistol indoor Target Shooting 6m/10m or 20m
22 Long Rifle/Pistol indoor Target Shooting 20m or 25yrd
(Sorry no 'Tactical', 'Black Powder', HFT/FT, Automatic Fire or Arrows)